
The platform is brought to you by MA Healthcare, publishers of the UK-Vet portfolio: Companion Animal, Equine, Livestock, and The Veterinary Nurse. It provides regular modules, drawn from our archive of peer-reviewed clinical content, which will stimulate thought and reflection, test your knowledge and help you fulfil your CPD activity.

It also includes an online portfolio, so you can easily record evidence of your documented CPD hours.

...in partnership with

Browse CPD articles

Here’s a selection of our latest articles and educational presentations. Login to see more. We’re adding new content regularly, so if you don’t find what you want straight away, chances are it will be coming soon.

Best practices for use of regional limb perfusion in a field setting

Regional limb perfusion is an effective method of local antimicrobial delivery to the distal extremities of the horse. This technique is easy to perform and can augment the treatment of infectious ort...

Evaluating the post-foaling mare with colic. 1: gastrointestinal conditions

Colic is commonly encountered in the post-foaling mare and can pose a diagnostic challenge for the equine practitioner. Many conditions can contribute to signs of colic in these mares, including condi...

Abdominal paracentesis in the field setting for horses with acute abdominal pain

Use of abdominal paracentesis (abdominocentesis) can be an invaluable aid in field assessment of the acute or chronic colic patient and it can be safely performed with application of proper restraint ...

A comparative review of heart rate recovery in the human and equine athlete

Heart rate recovery after exercise is mediated by parasympathetic reactivation and sympathetic withdrawal. In humans, heart rate recovery is primarily used to assess fitness and predict mortality. How...

Equine emergencies: the role of the registered veterinary nurse

Equine patients commonly require the provision of first aid and emergency veterinary treatment because of their nature and use in equestrian sport. This article discusses the role that registered vete...

Pet travellers' unwanted companions: a parasitic voyage across Europe

In the modern world, country borders do not represent boundaries for the transmission of pathogens. This is also true for parasites that may travel with animals, particularly pets. Dogs and cats are m...

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Frequently asked questions

What is UK VET CPD?

UK VET CPD is a service from the publisher of the UK-Vet portfolio. It includes articles from our full range of veterinary titles that have been enhanced to provide opportunities for reflection on your own practice, as well as an online portfolio to store all your revalidation requirements.

Is my data secure?

We take the security of your data very seriously. UK VET CPD is hosted in a state-of-the-art data storage system, protected by high-level security protocols. Access to your data is via your private login only. You can add access via your institutional login, but only you can see your data.

How do I access UK VET CPD?

Check out our YouTube channel for how-to videos for registration and login.

Simply complete a short registration form to create your personal account. You will then have free access to the portfolio and a selection of free CPD content.

Access to the complete range of CPD content requires a subscription to one of MA Healthcare’s veterinary journals. If you have a journal subscription and wish to activate your UK VET CPD account, please contact our customer service team or phone 0800 137201.

Your practice or institution may have subscribed to this resource on your behalf. Go to the institutional login page and enter your institution's name to find out, or you can ask directly at cpdlaunchpad@markallengroup.com or phone 0800 137201.

You will still have to complete a short registration in order to access the benefits of a personal account.

What is the cost of using UK VET CPD?

Registration and use of the online portfolio is free for subscribers to any UK Vet publication. If you want access to all the CPD on the site, you will need to subscribe to one of the UK-Vet journals, or be at a subscribing institution. Visit Magsubscriptions.com to see the latest offers.


For all customer support issues, contact our support team or call 0800 137201.

If you are a practice teacher or lecturer who would like to contribute CPD content, we would love to hear from you. Please contact our editorial team to discuss your proposal.

To tell us what you think or suggest a topic, simply fill in our feedback form.